上海熠德塑料(箱包)制品厂是一家集生产和开发各种款式的PC和 ABS拉杆行李箱,旅行箱,登机箱的专业企业。,我公司享有独厚的交通便利的条件,位于人资丰富的上海松江区泖港镇新五叶新支路326号,出厂就有直达上海市区公交如莲楓专线,莲浜专线,每十分一班从创办本厂以来,企业在技术和生产规模上都有了很大的发展。 目前我们已拥有多台先进的设备。有多种箱包配件都是本厂生产。在我公司的全体员工和各层领导的努力下,我们不断提高产品的档次,保证产品的质量。以人为本以市场为导向,以技术促发展。有严格的管理经验,以自强,自立,自信,是本公司的精神理念。我厂占地面积7000平方米,拥有一栋4000平方米四层的箱包生产车间大楼和一栋2000平方米两层箱包配件生产车间, 我们产品质优价廉,行销欧美多国。 如果您对我们的产品感兴趣请随时和我们进一步商谈及来访洽谈合作事宜。公司董事长高德恒携全体员工等候您的光临,电话021-67667094 传真021-67667084 手机13167131560Shanghai Yi De Luggage&Bag (Plastic Products) Factory is a manufacturere and exporter of Trolley Case and Luggage which located in Shanghai ,China. We are mainly dealing with various ABS and ABS/PC luggage & beauty case, soft with hard trolley, trolley with Aluminum Frame and some other kinds of luggage. At present , we have many advanced production equipments, two smooth pipeline operation. And most of the accessories on the luggage is produced by ourself. With all the staff and leadership's efforts, we continue to improve the products's level , to ensure the quality of the products. Self-improvement, self-supporting and self-confident is our company's spirit. Our factory covers more than 7,000 square meters, 4,000 square meters for the plant with 4 floor and 2,000 square meters for the accessories production . With our constant effort, Our products are well received by customers at home and abroad. We sincerely thank all the support from the home and abroad, we will continue to do our best to bring you much more worth on the base of our good quality , best service and fair prices. We sincerely welcome you to visit and negotiage at any time .
- 法人代表:
- 常永青
- 联系电话:
- 021****0804;
- 注册资本:
- 暂无
- 官方网站:
- 暂无
- 联系地址:
- 上海市松江区泖港镇中南路3号1幢
- 经营范围:
- 塑料制品、箱包及配件、五金加工;塑料制品、箱包及配件、五金、包装材料批发零售;再生物资回收与批发(除报废汽车回收、生产性废旧金属收购)。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】